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Helpful Links

SARM is administering a 50:50 cost-share rebate program to help cover the costs to control Ground squirrels.  This program is closed for 2023 and should re-open in 2024.

The Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) helps residents, small businesses, agricultural operations recover from natural disasters, including flooding, tornadoes, plow winds and other disasters caused by severe weather. PDAP may help cover the cost of uninsurable essential losses, cleanup, repairs and temporary relocation.

Controlled Burns

Controlled or planned burns must be reported in order to avoid a false alarm.  If you plan to do a controlled burn please call 9-1-1 at 1-866-404-4911.  Report what you are burning, the land location of the controlled burn, and the telephone number you can be reached at.  This will avoid a charge for a fire department service that is not an emergency.

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