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If you're a resident in the RM of Whiska Creek, you can rest assured that your local government has your best interests at heart. Our policies are designed to meet the specific needs of our rural municipality.

Ditch Hay Cutting

After July 8th, any person may cut and salvage hay without the permission of the adjacent landowner or lease, provided the adjacent landowner or less has not begun salvage operations.  Please notify the office by June 1st of each year if you are going to be cutting the ditch for hay.  This will allow the RM to begin cutting ditches that are not going to be salvaged for hay.  After July 15th, the RM will continue with their ditch mowing program on ALL municipal ditches.  Bales of hay must be at least 4 meters from the edge of the roadway and must be removed from the right-of-way by August 8th.

Gravel Policy

Crushed gravel will be available to ratepayers, pending availability, during the regular gravel haul only.  Each ratepayer will be allowed 50 yards per year for personal use, delivered to his or her property.  Gravel requirements must be made to the Administrator, annually, on or before April 1st.  Requests received after April 1st will be scheduled for the following year.  Gravel will be charges out at cost plus $0.25/yard to cover administration costs.  If you require pit run or more gravel than allotted you must deal directly with the pit owners, please contact the office for contact information.

Fencing Policy

All fences must be erected on the landowner's property.  No fences are allowed to be erected on the municipal road allowance.  This includes electric fences.  Please check with the office to confirm the size of municipal road allowance prior to building a fence.

Speed of Heavy Motor Vehicles

All heavy vehicles, with or without load, weighing 10 tonnes or more shall not operate at a speed greater than 60 KM/H on any public road within the municipality.

Setback Regulations

Developed road right-of-ways (ditches) cannot be farmed, cultivated or sprayed.  On all gird roads and main farm access roads maintain a distance of 6m (20 ft.) from the bottom of the road slope and on all local access roads and dirt roads maintain a distance of 4m (13ft.) from the bottom of the road slope.  Prairie trails may be cultivated right up to the side of the road.  Violation of this policy may result in charges for the repair of damages.

Irrigation Policy

All ratepayers who have irrigation pivots adjacent to a municipal road are required to have warning signs posted 1/8 of a mile on either side of the affected are notifying motorists of the potential for adverse road conditions.  Each ratepayer will be billed for the cost of the signs, posts, and the maintenance of the signs.  The municipal employees will be responsible for the installation of the signs.

Curb Stop Policy

All new development within the Hamlet of Pambrun must have a curb stop installed at the time of development and if any existing line must be dug up, for repairs, it must have a curb stop installed.  The cost of the curb stop and its installation is the sole responsibility of the land owner.

Winter Snowplowing

This policy applies to Winter snowplowing on roads designated as dirt trails or prairie roads.  And roads that are designated as dirt roads or prairie trails will not be plowed in the winter.  If a ratepayer requires roads of this designation to be plowed during the winter they will be charged the custom winter rate located in the Fees and Charges Policy to have the snow removed.

Lane Maintenance

By request, the municipality will grade and mow private rods to yards once per year as time permits.  All private snow removal is custom work.

Annually Council reviews and updates the Fees & Charges that are used for RM operations.

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